Healthy Aging

Your guide to expert information on healthy living and caregiving

Diseases & Conditions

Alzheimer’s Disease: What You Need to Know as You Age

Overview An estimated 5.2 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the world and […]

Low Vision: What You Need to Know as You Age

Overview Seeing is believing, right? But eyesight often gets worse with age. A pair of bifocals or reading […]

Insomnia: What You Need to Know as You Age

Overview While the rest of the world is sleeping, some people remain wide-awake due to insomnia. It’s the […]


Family Caregiver Resources

The Lifesaving Power of Your Phone

The information and apps you have on your phone might just save your life or someone else’s. Here’s […]

The Power of a Health Care Advocate

Another set of ears can ease your health care journey. A Johns Hopkins expert takes you through the […]

Caregiving: Knowing When It’s Time for In-Home Help

Caring for an ill or aging loved one can be fulfilling, rewarding and it might even help your […]


Healthy Body

The Brain-Gut Connection

Anxiety and depression have been thought to contribute to gastro conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A Johns […]

Best Way to Age-Proof Your Vision

Simple lifestyle changes can help you control three common diseases of the older eye: glaucoma, cataracts and age-related […]

Nutrition: What You Need to Know for Healthy Aging

A Johns Hopkins nutritionist sets the record straight on common misconceptions about nutrition for healthy aging. When it […]


Healthy Connections

Do You Have a Healthy Number of Friends?

Research points to the importance of friendship for psychological well-being for both men and women. Discover whether your […]

Specialists in Aging: Do You Need a Geriatrician?

When your children were little, you probably took them to a pediatrician. After all, babies and children have […]

Forgiveness: Your Health Depends on It

Conflict doesn’t just weigh down the spirit; it can lead to physical health issues. But these steps from […]


Healthy Mind

Protect Against a Retirement Risk

Lots of people dream of retiring … until it becomes a reality and the days seem too quiet […]

Depression: His Versus Hers

We often picture depression as curling up under the covers in sadness, but surprisingly it can manifest in […]

How to Relieve Stress: A 6-Step Plan to Feeling Good

Stress may be a part of life, but it doesn’t have to get the best of you. Follow […]